Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Message from Bhutanese Communist Movement

We hereby, would like to express in nutshell the sentiment of Bhutanese revolution so as to refute both exaggeration and devaluation and seek for the justifiable understanding of reality. As obviously known that Bhutanese revolution has not come a long way, comparatively we are fallen behind in the international and regional perspective. Besides, Bhutanese revolution is facing a historical set back these days. To know the cause of this historical phenomenon one should deeply study the subjective and objective circumstances that are responsible for the cause. The consequence of deeply rooted opportunism having usurped the then headquarter of our party resulting in split in one hand and the imperialist interference in the name of so called third country resettlement of Bhutanese refugees being approved by the ruling elites of Nepal in other hand came to be regressive unexpectedly. The split came to be inevitable because the headquarters of Vikalpa was fallen prey to Hoxaite-dogmato revisionism which could not be transformed rather became hostile despite of our healthy approaches of inner struggle. Opportunism came on surface when Vikalpa produced ‘the plan of People’s War’ which was wholly copied from that of Nepalese people’s war with out a slight change. The main tactics expressed in the plan is mechanically imitated thereby neglecting the peculiarities of the stage of People’s War initiation in Bhutan. The peculiar fact that the Bhutanese masses are at a time in and outside the country and refugees are comparatively more militant and organized then those who are inside the country was not taken into account by Vikalpa. The plan of mobilization of volunteer detachments was also mechanically imitated from that of Nepal.

The main tendency of Vikalpa in context of team mobilization is in one hand to deny the acceptance and documentation of essentiality to mobilize readymade team from outside as the peculiarity of the stage of initiation of revolution in Bhutan and in other hand to mobilize team from outside itself in wrong manner and thus to spoil the field. This seems as absurd as his urge to imitate from Nepalese people’s war, the way of producing cadremen in capital city and mobilizing them in country sides before the initiation of people’s war which is impossible in context of Bhutan. The plan as a whole was inapplicable as it was out of question to implement the main tactics expressed thereby. We criticized thoroughly and sought to do away with the plan. We explicitly refuted Vikalpa’s analysis of circumstances as eclecticism. We said that it would be an adventurist attempt to implement the plan. Nevertheless, the dogmatic idea of Vikalpa was not corrected rather became hostile and intolerant in inner struggle. Menace, craze idealization of faults and shortcomings and conspiracy became his motto in inner struggle. Besides, Vikalpa exercised faction in the party and put forward a condition of dissolving and reconstituting the then Polit Bureau (PB) to do away the plan. After the reconstitution of PB he started a non co-operation campaign deliberately to make the team mobilization fail. Despite of the non co-operation campaign and Vikalpa’s hostility we were successful to mobilize two detachments of volunteer fighters in Bhutan. Then after, Vikalpa initiated a so called ‘mission’ to drag back the teams of volunteer detachments to Nepal. He obviously expressed his reactionary and counter revolutionary views in fourteen meeting in his proposal to penalize comrade Vikram and comrade Sagar firstly and to encircle the detachment and capture comrade Vikram secondly. This ‘mission’ could not be transformed despite of our efforts. Thus we were compelled to establish a parallel headquarters to coordinate and to command especially the volunteer detachments inside the country. The fifteen meeting of central committee (with the majority of CCMs) concluded to revolt against the Vikalpa clique establishing thereby an authentic, eager and responsible authority to co-operate with the volunteer detachments mobilized in Bhutan. The meeting documented the main characteristics of Vikalpa’s Hoxaite-dogmato-revisionism as under.
Imitation of other revolutions regardless of place factor and time factor.
Idealization of faults and shortcomings as Hoxa did regarding that of Stalin and comintern
To give up the essence of party-organization and to grasp merely the form of it.

Matters of Investigation:
1. February defeat:

After the historical split in our party we realized from the field to review the tactics and thus initiated armed rural class struggle bombarding at the electronic voting machines of reactionary government in the western command. Just then, both of our detachments each in middle command and eastern command respectively were encircled and suppressed by the reactionary troops resulting in the February defeat. As Vikalpa clique was ambitious to encircle and suppress our detachments, the February defeat that we faced is mysterious. We can not claim with material proof weather or not some destructive elements has been infiltrate in our new party to do job in the February defeat

Therefore, we are in one hand looking for something probably hidden to find out if there is an interrelationship between the ‘Vikalpa mission’ and the February defeat and even to find out if there is any infiltrated agent in our new party.

2. Boomerang Bomb Blast:

After we faced February defeat, two central members of Vikalpa clique fell prey to two separate boomerang bomb blasts on June 4, 2008 in the name of initiation of People’s War as declared by Vikalpa. One of them is Indra Bahadur Ghaley (Com. Srijan whom they called Chitiz) who was killed and another one is Chandra Bahadur Rai (Com. Nikash whom they called Khandu) was severely injured and then apprehended by the reactionary troops. This we think is a mysterious incident to be boomerang at a time in two separate places.

3. On the allegation of Focoism:
Vikalpa has been branding us Focoist baselessly with the mere reference to our proposal/resolution of 12th meeting. The resolution had put forward basically the demand of following changes in the main military tactics.

1. Mobilization of ready made militants from outside to initiate People’s War firstly with the force of
    ‘revolutionary foco or Maoist foco’.
2. Transformation of Youth Organization in YCL concept.

Inspite of the term ‘Foco’ we had not given up the strategy of protracted people’s war encircling countryside and then the urban areas; rather we have been emphasizing and incorporating it till date. The resolution has clearly mentioned the strategy of protracted people’s war. ‘Foco’ (not focoism as branded by Vikalpa clique) is not the essence of the resolution but on the contrary, the Maoist strategy of protracted people’s war is the essence indeed.

4. Threat of physical action:
As we declared the party revolt, a fake party viz, Communist Party of Bhutan (Maoist) came into existence trying to fish in murky waters. The party which was never been in existence in the past declared a threat to take action physically up on the two PBMs of our party quoting their real names. It still has been mysterious as who had done it, but while going through their statements; it seems to be done by the counter-revolutionary agents infiltrated in the communist circle.

Finally, we call for the moral support of our regional and international fraternity circle in our protest against the domestic feudalism, Indian expansionist intervention, imperialist intervention latest in the form of third country resettlement of Bhutanese refugees and boarder encroaching policy of Chinese revisionism. Although, refugee problem is an adjunct issue in general, it has been the ground reality that because of the various intricacies, refugee community needs to play a vital role tactically and only tactically to initiate the armed revolution in Bhutan. This is what we have quoted to be one of the major peculiarities of the stage of People’s War initiation in Bhutan. This reality will do the job until the circumstance changes. That is why the reactionaries are hyperventilating to disperse and deviate the refugee community deliberately to extend the life of fascist Wangchuck monarchy of Bhutan. The ongoing resettlement of refugees has not only been one of the most burning issues, but also has been the decisive impediment in our revolution. Therefore, we request the fraternity circle to pressurize to stop the imperialist intervention in the name of so called durable solution i.e. third country resettlement.

Long live – Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!                         Long live – CPB (MLM)!!